
Airports Going Green Award for Schiphol

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has been recognised internationally for its work on sustainability and innovation. Schiphol's corporate responsibility programme was today awarded the Airports Going Green Award in Chicago. The Chicago Department of Aviation, which organises the Airports Going Green conference, presents annual awards for the efforts made by airports towards sustainable aviation.

The Chicago Department of Aviation praised Schiphol for "the incredible sustainability achievements and innovations at Schiphol and in particular the contributions to the aviation industry" and called Schiphol a source of inspiration for sustainability initiatives at airports in the United States.

Check-in to sustainability

Schiphol Group is planning for and investing in a sustainable future and is among the world's greenest airports. Schiphol Group enables connections. Connections between the Netherlands and the rest of the world and connections between people. Schiphol Group conducts its operations with respect for people, the environment and its neighbours. And it does so not by acting independently, but in close cooperation with the passengers and the airport's business partners.